Friday, June 02, 2006

Senior Trip...Day 2

We left Ramada a little later than expected because I didn't realize that it was past 9AM and I hadn't packed yet. We had a rough night last night anyways. First, there was a bright red light from the hair dryer in the bathroom. I couldn't sleep with that on, so I got up and unplugged it. As soon as I got back in bed, there was this super loud truck outside trying to back up into a parking space or something for about 10 minutes. My mom got up to look out the window and there was a black dude out there. But NONE of us in bed heard her get up and walk to the window so we were shocked when we heard her voice clear across the room. We laughed forever. I woke up at 2:02AM, and tried to go back to bed. I couldn't so I stared at the clock on the microwave for an hour and a half, timing how long it took for our loud air conditioner to come on and off (3 minutes to come on/4 minutes to come off) until I could finally get back to sleep. After that, I was out of it! Katie said that I kicked her, but I don't know, I was asleep! ;P We ate at IHOP for breakfast. (YUCK!..You know they don't have bagels?!) Oh well, I'll live. I took a bunch of pictures in Birmingham, Alabama. (They didn't turn out well, though, so I'm not going to include them!) We tried to look for a postcard, but there was no sign of one in the places we stopped. Maybe on the way back. We also made a little tiny documentary while driving. I thought it would give the movie a little more character ;) Right now we're in Atlanta, GA. I'm hoping to stop soon for lunch, but I doubt it. I'm the only one sort of hungry...Considering I just had a plate of hashbrowns for breakfast!

We did eat after we went through Atlanta, GA. We went to Chick-fil-A. Katie had never been there so it was a new experience for her...I know, I can't believe it either! Mom still didn't hand over the wheel until after we ate dinner in Columbia, SC at the Pizza Hut. That country speaking wonderful place (*rolling eyes*). I drove to Florence, SC and now we're in the Fairfield Inn, which is MUCH MUCH nicer than the Ramada Inn in Tuscaloosa, Alabama (by the way, never go there!)

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