Wednesday, September 21, 2005

"Under God?"

We had a guest speaker in my Government class yesterday. And we talked about the main reason why the guy in California is trying to get "under God" out of the Pledge of Allegience. I don't know about anyone else but i couldn't be more against that. Yes, I am a Christian, but that has nothing to do with why i side w/ not taking it out. The Pledge of Allegiance is something that we have done throughout history. and yes, it's true that "under God" was added in the 1950's but that's still part of history, it is in the past. We need to respect that those who believe in God have the freedom to say that in the Pledge of Allegience. If you don't want to say that one phrase in the Allegience, you have the freedom not to. but for those of us who do so choose to say it, respect the fact that we want to do it. Atheists are trying to take God out of everything, but Christians have rights too. Realize that we would like to have the freedom to do things too. We want the freedom to not do things too. The goverment should take into consideration the minority's rights and the majority's rights. The government seems to only side one way or the other. We need to find a common ground.

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