Monday, January 15, 2007


This weekend I led my first Disciple Now. I knew before hand that it would be different leading one than actually being the student listening to what the leader had to say the whole weekend. But nonetheless it was great. I hadn't had much time to prepare before hand because I started school the week before the event. I had the 6th & 7th grade girls. Elizabeth and I co-led it. ......I'll elaborate later...i only got approx. 6 hrs. of sleep all weekend...i'm really i'm gunna rest for now....
seems like its been a lifetime since I've been where they are rightOk, I'm back. I really enjoyed leading the middle schoolers. It now, but they seemed so much smarter than I was. They listened most of the time, and had trouble staying on task some times. But, they were just so marvelous. I loved them. The first night we were there on of the kids got homesick and came into our room crying and asked if she could call her mom. We let her do so thinking that she would be able to calm her down a little. She ended getting sick to her stomach and had to go home anyway. I feel that Satan was trying to keep her away from something that would happen and her mother felt the same way so she came back the next morning for the sessions. The next night another girl wasn't feeling well, but she went to church anyway. My co-leader also got sick and went home to recover. But it was a wonderful experience and hope I can do it again either next year or soon!

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