Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year Resolutions

This time of the year seems to come faster and faster, but only comes once a year. It’s a time where it seems everyone and everything starts on a clean slate. Where the end has come and the new has begun. Where everyone reverently hopes that the new is much better than the old. But doesn’t seem to feel that way about the year before. Why must we get things wrong over and over again? You would think we would get it at least on the third try or something. But enough of my bashing…as it is customary to have a few goals for the year ahead, here are some of mine. (Bare in mind that I am sometimes a little too optimistic, but realistic at the same time, when it comes to these)

  1. See everything, good or bad, as an opportunity that God has placed in my life for a reason
  2. Completely (as in the words and accompaniment) write 5 songs
  3. Learn to love
  4. Learn to say no and yes (make better decisions)
  5. Spiritually grow more than I could ever imagine
  6. Stay focused
  7. Enjoy life no matter what the occasion
  8. Sing with joy
  9. Save my money more often than I spend it!
  10. Find a boyfriend (had to put a little humor in my list!)

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