Monday, December 31, 2007

Cheers to new beginnings...

Looking back...
1. See everything, good or bad, as an opportunity that God has placed in my life for
a reason
2. Completely (as in the words and accompaniment) write 5 songs
3. Learn to love
4. Learn to say no and yes (make better decisions)
5. Spiritually grow more than I could ever imagine
6. Stay focused
7. Enjoy life no matter what the occasion
8. Sing with joy
9. Save my money more often than I spend it!
10. Find a boyfriend (had to put a little humor in my list!)

Alright. So I didn't meet all the expectations set for/by myself for this past year, but I certainly do not regret what I have been through and what 2007 represents to me. I have tried my hardest to see everything as an opportunity. God has placed everything in my life because he loves me so much that he's willing to sacrifice everything to see me grow as an individual. 2007 has most definitely had its ups and downs...more downs than ups I might add, but I have learned to love some difficult people. I have been tested. And because of this my growth has exceeded far more than I could have imagined. I'm still learning to enjoy life despite the lack of surfaced happiness, but that is a progressive learning thing. Happiness is so much more than smiling every morning as you wake up and putting your beautiful hello face on when those people that pass you by like clockwork. It is so much more than thanking your parents as you open up a nice Christmas gift or realize a friend will not take no for an answer when they say they are paying for your meal at the restaurant. It's enjoying everything that life has in store, knowing that the God who hand crafted you will love you no matter what dumb decisions you make, or how many times you cry out to him asking for selfish wishes to come true. I made a number of dumb decisions this year some of which still seem to make it so much easier to press that snooze button every morning and so much harder to shuffle to the bathroom to start my days.

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